A project of ISME’s History Standing Committee
Guido d’Arezzo
Guidonian Hand
ISME Website ISME History Standing Committee IHME Homepage ANNOUNCEMENTS OF INTEREST TO MUSIC EDUCATION HISTORIANS  �	Call for Nominations: Editor of the Journal of Historical Research in Music Education  Nominations, including self-nominations, are being sought for the post of Editor of the Journal of Historical Research in Music Education (JHRME).  The Editor will serve and inital term of three years, beginning duties on January 1, 2025, with the option to renew.  Further information is available by clicking on the PDF opposite:      �	History of Music Education sessions at the 34th World Conference of the International Society for Music Education to be held at the Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki, 2-7 August 2020.  Please note that the 34th World Conference has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The next conference will be held in 2022.  History of Music Education Symposium: Historical Narratives of Music Education in Finland Convenor: Marie McCarthy (University of Michigan), ISME History Standing Committee Speakers: Marja Heimonen, University of the Arts, Helsinki; Marja-Leena Juntunen, University of the Arts, Helsinki; Erja Kosonen, University of Jyv�skyl�; and Lauri V�kev�, University of the Arts, Helsinki.          Description: At the 2006 ISME Conference in Kuala Lumpur, members of the History Standing Committee (HSC) decided that in future conferences we would honor and highlight the music education history of the country hosting the conference. The upcoming conference in Helsinki, will include a symposium to highlight unique aspects of the historical development of music education in the host country, Finland. Four music educators from Finland will contribute historical narratives on the following topics: music as a subject in Finnish elementary and comprehensive schools; reforms of music education in Finland from the 1950s to the 1970s and the work of Ellen Urho; music schools with a focus in equity; and, the changing role of higher education institutions in the history of Finnish music education.  History of Music Education Panel Discussion: Seeing Through a Wider Lens: Considering Revisionist History in Music Education  The panel will include: Craig Resta, Kent State University (United States), Marie McCarthy, University of Michigan (Ireland), Lia Laor, Levinsky College of Education (Israel), David Hebert, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Norway) and Benon Kigozi, Makerere University (Uganda).  Additional Information will be available shortly. In the meantime, enquiries can be made to the symposium chair, Craig Resta, Associate Professor of Music Education, Kent State University <>.   �	Oxford Symposium on the History of Music Education, 3-6 June 2020  As you know, we face a worldwide crisis with the COVID-19 virus. While we hope that the situation will be much better by June 2020, many of our universities have imposed travel restrictions and eliminated all in-person classes through summer semester. Given these restrictions, we must regrettably cancel the Oxford Symposium on the History of Music Education slated for June 3-6, 2020.   We hope to have a symposium in place for June 2021, but details are uncertain at this time. For those whose presentations, performances, panels, and posters were accepted, we would still consider them accepted for the anticipated 2021 symposium with the limitation that that we must follow the NAfME Research Publication/Presentation Code of Ethics (   Symposium registrations that have not yet been processed will be returned with voided checks. The few registrations that have been processed will be reimbursed. Should you have any further questions about the Oxford Symposium, please feel free to direct them to Paul D. Sanders, symposium chair (    �	New Book Announcement  Sarah Anna Glover: Nineteenth Century Music Education Pioneer  by Jane Southcott   In Sarah Anna Glover: Nineteenth Century Music Education Pioneer, Jane Southcott explores the life and pedagogy of Sarah Anna Glover, the female music education pioneer of congregational singing (psalmody) and singing in nineteenth-century schools. Glover devoted her life to the creation and propagation of a way of teaching class music that was meticulously devised, musically rigorous, and successfully promulgated. Southcott analyzes Glover�s methods, history, and memory, and works to correct inaccuracies and misrepresentations that have emerged since Glover�s death.  Details at    �	Oklahoma City Symposium on the History of Music Education  Renaissance Convention Center Hotel - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Wednesday, May 31 - Saturday, June 3, 2017  The Oklahoma City Symposium on the History of Music Education is an event organized and sponsored by the History Special Research Interest Group of The National Association for Music Education (NAfME). Organizers welcome submissions on any topic related to the history of music education. The symposium offers a friendly and encouraging environment for experienced scholars, graduate students, and emerging researchers alike. The schedule will include paper presentations, panel discussions, musical performances, and a special session for graduate students. All submissions will be peer-reviewed prior to acceptance. Additional information is available on the Symposium website.   	1.	Scholarly papers suitable for reading (Submit complete paper in any standard style format. Allow 25 minutes for reading and 10 minutes for questions/comments.)  	2.		Round-table presentations of research in progress (This session is intended for graduate students or anyone who would like feedback on a current research project. Submit a 200 word description of the study. Allow 5 minutes for description of study and questions for the table, and 10 minutes for discussion with the table.)  	3.		Panel discussions (Submit outline with names of participants. Allow 45 minutes for panelists and 10 minutes for questions/comments.)  	4.		Performances (Submit musical content, names of performers, and any equipment needs. Performances can vary in length from 30 to 90 minutes. Exact timing TBD with accepted performers.) The Symposium Planning Committee welcomes submissions on topics related in any way to the history of music teaching and learning.  Materials must be submitted electronically in any standard style format. Include the following information in the body of the electronic mail message: Name, address, telephone, affiliation, email address for further communication, and title of the paper or proposal. Send submissions to Dr. Patti Tolbert (, Chair of the Review Panel.  Complete papers and proposals for other presentations must be received no later than 11:59 p.m., February 20, 2017. Acknowledgement (by February 24) and notification (by March 20) will be sent via return email.  Housing, registration, and travel information are available at the NAfME History SRIG website. For further information, contact:	  (Source: MDG News [email], 30 June 2016)  �	The John Curwen Bicentenary 1816 - 2016   The Reverend John Curwen was born on 16 November 1816 ...  this year marks the bicentenary of his birth.  For further information, go to The John Curwen Bicentenary Website at curwenbicentenary     �	Sondra Wieland Howe has published Women Music Educators in the United States: A History (Scarecrow Press, 2014).   Although women have been teaching and performing music for centuries, their stories are often missing from traditional accounts of the history of music education.   In Women Music Educators in the United States: A History, Sondra Wieland Howe provides a comprehensive narrative of women teaching music in the United States from colonial days until the end of the twentieth century. Defining music education broadly to include home, community, and institutional settings, Howe draws on sources from musicology, the history of education, and social history to offer a new perspective on the topic.   In colonial America, women sang in church choirs and taught their children at home. In the first half of the nineteenth century, women published hymns, taught in academies and rural schoolhouses, and held church positions. After the Civil War, women taught piano and voice, went to college, taught in public schools, and became involved in national music organizations. With the expansion of public schools in the first half of the twentieth century, women supervised public school music programs, published textbooks, and served as officers of national organizations. They taught in settlement houses and teacher-training institutions, developed music appreciation programs, and organized women's symphony orchestras. After World War II, women continued their involvement in public school choral and instrumental music, developed new methodologies, conducted research, and published in academia.   Howe's study traces this evolution in the roles played by women educators in the American music education system, illuminating an area of research that has been ignored far too long. Women Music Educators in the United States: A History complements current histories of music education and supports undergraduate and graduate courses in the history of music, music education, American education, and women's studies. It will interest not only musicologists, educational historians, and scholars of women's studies but music educators teaching in public and private schools and independent music teachers.   SONDRA WIELAND HOWE is an independent scholar in Minnesota and the author ofLuther Whiting Mason: International Music Educator (1997) and numerous articles in academic journals. Her research interests include women and music, Western music in Japan, and the history of music education. 9 780810 888470 Scarecrow Press, Inc., A wholly owned subsidiary of Rowman & Littlefield.  800-462-6420  (Source: MDG News [email], 29 May 2014) ISME Website ISME History Standing Committee IHME Homepage Copyright � 2014 History Standing Committee, International Society for Music Education (ISME)