A project of ISME’s History Standing Committee
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ISME Website History Standing Committee AUSTRALIA - Bibliographic Resources   Selected References for Further Reading complied by Robin Stevens The major source of information about the historical development of music education in Australia may be found in research theses, dissertations, research papers and other research reports that have been undertaken for higher degrees at Australian universities. These research findings ... as well as the findings from research undertaken by university academics ... have been reported in books chapters, in articles published in scholarly journals and in published conference papers. These are listed below.  Theses  Boadle, B.H. (1977), Music Teaching in Victorian State Primary Schools in Relation to Teacher Training, MEd thesis, University of Melbourne.  Breen Clarke, S. (2009), �Flamboyance, tweed and a dash of Sctoch whisky�: Franklin Sievright Peterson as adjudicator at the South Street Competitions, 1901, MMusSts Professional Research Project Report, University of Melbourne. Bridges, D.M. (1970), The Role of Universities in the Development of Music Education in Australia, 1885-1970, PhD thesis, University of Sydney.  Cameron, A.E. (1956), The Class Teaching of Music in State-Supported Schools in Victoria, 1853-1905, BEd thesis, University of Melbourne.  Cameron, A.E. (1969), The Class Teaching of Music in Secondary Schools Victoria 1905-1955, MEd thesis, University of Melbourne.  Ciantar, M.S., Arthur Stedman Loam (1892-1976), Australian Composer: His contribution to musical culture and music teaching, MMusSts Professional Research Project Report, University of Melbourne. Chaseling, M. J. (2009), Teaching music in New South Wales primary schools,1920-1956, PhD thesis, Deakin University. Comte, M. (1983), Arts Education in the State School System in Victoria, Australia: 1945 to 1980, PhD dissertation, University of Michigan.  Davis, B.P. (1987), Class Singing in South Australian Elementary Schools in the Nineteenth Century, 1852-1892, MEdSt research project, Flinders University of South Australia.  Dugdale, J.H. (1969), The Place of Music in the National and Public Schools of New South Wales, 1848-1880, MEd Long Essay, University of Sydney.  Elton, J. (1967), Music in Secondary Education in Girls' Schools in Victoria, MMus thesis, University of Melbourne.  Farrant, J. (1992), The History of Music in Coolgardie, Kalgoorlie and Boulder, 1892 to 1908, MA, University of Western Australia.  Ferris, A.J. (1993), The Provision of Classroom Music in State Primary Schools, Victoria: 1970 to 1980, MEdSt minor thesis, Monash University.  Ferris, A.J. (2002), Classroom Music in Victorian State Primary Schools 1934 to 1981: Curriculum Support, PhD thesis, Monash University. Harris, M.C. (1985), The Role of Women in Music Education in Victoria from 1875 to 1910, MEdSt thesis, Monash University.  James, S.C. (1999), Joseph O�Malley S.J.‑A Nineteenth Century Australian Music Educator. MEd Research Paper, Deakin University. Jenkins, L.E. (2007). Australian women music teachers, performers and composer from 1900 to 1950, PhD thesis, Monash University. Kidney, J. (1976), Music Education in South Australia 1871-1897, Student Paper, Murray Park College of Advanced Education.  Lauer, H.R. (1996), The Role of the First Four Elder Professors in the Development of Musical Studies in the University of Adelaide, 1885-1964, MEdSt dissertation, University of Adelaide.  Lierse, S.M. (2005). The Development of Instrumental Music Programs in Victorian Government Secondary Schools 1965 to 2000, PhD thesis, RMIT University. Maclellan, B.M. (1990), Walter Bonwick and the Establishment of Music Teaching in the National Schools of Victoria, 1855-1856, MEd thesis, University of Melbourne.  Maclellan, B.M. (1995), Walter Bonwick and the Place of Music in the Curriculum of the National, Common and State Schools, 1854-1883, PhD thesis, University of Melbourne.  Murphy, B.J. (1995), Some Aspects of Music Education in Victoria, 1850-1988, PhD, Monash University.  O' Young, J. (1986), Music Education in South Australian Primary Schools 1950 - 1985, Student Paper, South Australian College of Advanced Education.  Pope, J.L. (1994), ABC School Broadcasts in Western Australia, 1938-1946: An Investigation into Radio Programmes for Early Childhood featuring Music and Movement, MEd project thesis, Edith Cowan University.  Pope. J.L. (2008), Dalcroze Eurhythmics in Australasia: The The first generation, from 1918, PhD thesis, Monash University. Read, J.C. (1992), A Holistic Approach to Music Education in the Primary School: An Historical and Theoretical Perspective, MEd research paper, Deakin University.  Russell, I. (n. d.), The History of the Music Branch, Education Department of South Australia, Student Paper, South Australian College of Advanced Education. Somssich, B.J.Z. (1975), Music Education in Tasmanian State Primary Schools, 1905-1975: An Enquiry into Trends, Developments and Attitudes, BA(Hons) thesis, University of Tasmania.  Southcott, J.E. (1997), Music in State-Supported Schooling in South Australia to 1920, PhD thesis, Deakin University.  Stevens, R.S. (1978), Music in State-Supported Education in New South Wales and Victoria, 1848-1920, PhD thesis, University of Melbourne.  Stowasser, H.M. (1983), The Development of the Music Curriculum in Queensland Secondary Schools, PhD thesis, University of Queensland.  Turner, K. (1981), The Relation Between the public Music Society of South Australia and Musical Education, Student Paper, Hartley College of Advanced Education.  Webster, G. (1993), Orff Schulwerk - An Historical Perspective for Australian Society, MA(Music Education) dissertation, St Thomas University.  Wilmott, N. (1986), A History of the Music Department, University of Queensland, 1912-1970, MA(Qualifying) thesis, University of Queensland  Books and Book Chapters  Eckermann, A.H.D., G. R. (1991), A Century of Children and Music 1891-1991: A History of the South Australian Public (Primary) Schools Music Society, South Australian Public (Primary) Schools Music Society, Adelaide.  Fox, M. (1988), 'Music Education in South Australia 1836 - 1984', in A.D. McCredie (ed.) From Colonel Light into the Footlights; The Performing Arts in South Australia from 1836 to the Present, Pagel Books, Norwood, South Australia.  Stevens, R.S. (1993), 'Music Education in Australia: Reflections on the Past and Present', in E.P. Errington (ed.) Arts Education: Beliefs, Practices and Possibilities, Deakin University Press, Geelong.  Stevens, R.S. & Southcott, J.E. (2010), �Australia: Recurring problems and unresolved issues� (Chapter 12), in G. Cox & R.S. Stevens (eds), Origins and Foundations of Music in Compulsory Schooling: An International Perspective, The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd, London, pp. 171-187.  Journal Articles and Published Conference Papers  Bridges, D. (1972), 'Some Historical Background to Australian Music Education (1) Foundations.', Australian Journal of Music Education, no.10 (April), pp.21-24.  Bridges, D. (1972), 'Some Historical Background to Australian Music Education (2) Origins of the Music Examination System', Australian Journal of Music Education, no.11 (October), pp.13-16.  Bridges, D. (1973), 'Some Historical Background to Australian Music Education (3) Music in the University of Melbourne (1901-1925)', Australian Journal of Music Education, no.12 (April), pp.17-19.  Bridges, D. (1973), 'Some Historical Background to Australian Music Education (4) The Development and Influence of Music Education', Australian Journal of Music Education, no.13 (October), pp.21-23.  Bridges, D. (1974), 'Music in Australian Education: Origins and Background', Australian Journal of Music Education, no. 15 (July), pp.11-13.  Bridges, D. (1974), 'Some Historical Background to Australian Music Education (5) The Rise of the Australian Music Examinations Board', Australian Journal of Music Education, no.14 (April), pp.9-11.  Bridges, D. (1975), 'Music in the University of Adelaide: A Retrospective View', Miscellanea Musicologica: Adelaide Studies in Musicology, vol.8, pp.1-10.  Bridges, D. (1982), 'Fixed and Moveable Doh in Historical Perspective', Australian Journal of Music Education, no.30 (April), pp.11-15.  Callighan, J. (1998/9), 'The Italian Vocal Tradition for the New Millenium: Isaac Natham's Singing Pedagogy and Current Voice Science', in S.L.a.J. Williamson (ed.), Proceedings of the XXth Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Music Education, AARME, Perth.  Chaseling, M.J. (2003), 'The great public school choir of ten thousand', in K. Hartwig (ed.), Proceedings of Artistic Practice as Research: XXVth National Conference AARME, Brisbane, Qld., 27-30 September, Australian and New Zealand Association for Research in Music Education, Melbourne, Vic., pp. 25-43. Chaseling, M.J. (2004), 'Snapshots from the Inspectorate: Music in New South Wales State Primary Schools: 1908, 1914, 1918', in M.J. Chaseling (ed.), Proceedings of the XXVIth National Conference AARME, Tweed Heads, NSW, 25-28 September, Australian and New Zealand Association for Research in Music Education, Melbourne, Vic., pp. 75-94. Chaseling, M.J. (2004), 'Snapshots from the Inspectorate: Music in New South Wales State Primary Schools: 1908, 1914, 1918', in M Chaseling (ed.), Proceedings of the XXVIth National Conference AARME, Tweed Heads, NSW, 25-28 September, Australian and New Zealand Association for Research in Music Education, Melbourne, Vic., pp. 75-94. Chaseling, M.J. (2006), 'Teaching with technology: the wonders of wireless', in P. de Vries & J. Southcott (eds), Proceedings of Music education, standards and practices: XXVIIIth annual conference Australian Association for Research in Music Education, AARME, Melbourne, Vic., pp. 8-18. Chaseling, M.J. (2008), 'Through the eyes of Victor McMahon: The school flute band movement in NSW public schools', in J. Southcott (ed.), Proceedings of the XXXth Annual Conference: Innovation and tradition: Music Education Research: Australian and New Zealand Association for Research in Music Education, Australian and New Zealand Association for Research in Music Education, Melbourne, Vic., pp. 45-59. Chaseling, M.J. (2007), 'Theodore Stephen Tearne: New South Wales Second Superintendent of Music', in P. De Vries & J. Southcott (eds), Proceedings of Music Education Research: Values and Initiatives : Australian Society for Music Education (AARME) XVI National Conference, Australian and New Zealand Association for Research in Music Education, Melbourne, Vic., pp. 9-19.  Chaseling, M.J. (2010), 'Lost and found: 10,000 voices: an inspiring 1901 choral spectacular', Music in Action, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 8-13. Colgrave, D. (1990), 'A Historical Role for Music Education: the role of school and church in maintaining the musical life of Darwin, 1873-1980', in Proceedings of the Australian Society for Music Education VII National Conference, Australian Society for Music Education, Alice Springs, pp.30-33.  Farrant, J. (1990), 'Music Education in Kalgoorlie/Boulder, 1893-1910: A reflection of a late Victorian bourgeois society', in Proceedings of the Australian Society for Music Education VII National Conference, Australian Society for Music Education, Alice Springs, pp.33-36.  Ferris, J. (1993), 'Music On the Edge: A Historical Study of the Vunerability of Music in the Primary School Curriculum.', in Proceedings of the IXth Australian Society for Music Education National Conference, Australian Society for Music Education, Perth, pp.91-96.  Jarrott, J.K. (1982), 'William Jarrott: a pioneer in music education', Quest, vol.34, (November), pp.41-44. .  Jones, A.W. (1991), 'Great Australian Educators: Alexander Clark', Unicorn, vol.17, no.3, August, pp.185-186.  Southcott, J.E. (1990), 'An Early Paradigm of Participant Learning in Music Education: The Percussion Band', in Proceedings of the Association Music Education Lecturers 12th Annual Conference, Association Music Education Lecturers, pp.17-31. Southcott, J.E. (1991), 'Coloured Birds and Balls', in Proceedings of the Association of Music Education Lecturers 13th Annual Conference, Association Music Education Lecturers, Hobart, pp.171-206. Southcott, J.E. (1992), 'Marital Strains', in V.C. Weidenbach, J. (ed.) Proceedings of the XIVth Conference, Association of Music Education Lecturers, Association of Music Education Lecturers, Sydney, pp.269-286.  Southcott, J.E. (1992), 'The Percussion Band - Mere Noise or Music ?', British Journal of Music Education, vol.9, no.2, July, pp.111-122.  Southcott, J.E. (1993), 'Music as a Vehicle of Reform in 19th Century Educational Movements.', in Proceedings of the Association of Music Education Lecturers 15th Annual Conference, Association of Music Education Lecturers, pp.89-98. Southcott, J.E. (1993), 'The Classroom Percussion Band-Osaurus', in Proceedings of the Australian Society for Music Education IX National Conference, Australian Society for Music Education, pp.202-210. Southcott, J.E. (1993), 'Tonic Sol-fa, Temperance, Sunday Schools and Empire', in Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society and Canadian History of Education Society Association Canadienne D'Histoire de L'Education Combined Conference.  Southcott, J.E. (1994), 'Alexander Clarke: South Australian Music Educator and Advocate', in Proceedings of the Association Music Education Lecturers 16th Annual Conference, Association Music Education Lecturers, pp.110-123. Southcott, J.E. (1994), 'An American and Australian Coincidence-Tonic Sol-fa, Froebel and the Colors of the Rainbow', Bulletin of Historical Research in Music Education (University of Kansas), vol.15, no.2, pp.79-100.  Southcott, J.E. (1995), 'How to Implement Curriculum Change in Classroom Music: A Nineteenth Century Precedent', in Proceedings of the Australian Society for Music Education X Annual Conference, Australian Society for Music Education, Tasmania pp.250-256.   Southcott, J.E. (1995), 'The Establishment of the music curriculum in South Australia: The role of Alexander Clark', Research Studies in Music Education, no.5 (December), pp.1-10.  Southcott, J.E. (1996), 'Curriculum Stasis: Gratton in South Australia', in V. Weidenbach (ed.), Proceedings of the XVIII Annual Conference, Australian Association for Research in Music Education, Australian Association for Research in Music Education, pp.51-59.  Southcott, J.E. (1997), 'Alexander Clark', in W. Bebbington (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Australian Music, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.  Southcott, J.E. (1997), 'Evaluating Music Education: The role and processes of historical inquiry', in Proceedings of the XIX Annual Conference, Australian Association for Research in Music Education.  Southcott, J.E. (1997), 'Frank Gratton', in W. Bebbington (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Australian Music, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.  Southcott, J.E. (1997), 'Heather Gell', in W. Bebbington (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Australian Music, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.  Southcott, J.E. (1997), 'John Bishop', in W. Bebbington (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Australian Music, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.  Southcott, J.E. (1997), 'June Epstein', in W. Bebbington (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Australian Music, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.  Southcott, J.E. (2000), 'Curriculum Stasis: Gratton in South Australia', Research Studies in Music Education, no. 14.  Southcott, J.E. (2002), �A tale of two brothers: E. Harold and H. Walford Davies�  Research Matters: Linking Outcomes with Practice in J. Rosevear and J. Callaghan, Australian Association for Research in Music Education: Proceedings of the XXIV Annual Conference. Southcott, J.E. (2002), �"Now the Labourer's Task is O'er": Alexander Clark and the foundation of school music in South Australia�, Journal of the Historical Society of South Australia, no. 30, pp.24-38. Southcott, J.E. (2002), �Songs for young Australians� in J.E. Southcott and R, Smith (eds),  A Community of Researchers. Australian Association for Research in Music Education: Proceedings of the XXIInd Annual Conference, Australian Association for Research in Music Education.  Southcott, J.E. (2003), �The origins of colonial class music education in South Australia: a Sunday school was established�, in  L.C.R. Yip, C.C. Leung and W.T. Lau (eds), Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research.  Southcott, J.E. (2003), 'A Knight of Song': F.L. Gratton� in N. Jeanneret (ed.), Australian Association for Research in Music Education: Proceedings of the XXIII Annual Conference, Melbourne. Southcott, J.E. (2004), �Essential learning in music education: Teaching music in schools in South Australia during the 1950s�, in M. Chaseling (ed.), Proceedings of the XXVIth Annual AARME Conference, Melbourne.  Southcott, J.E. (2004), �The singing by-ways: origins of class music education in South Australia�, Journal of Historical Research in Music Education, vol.25, no.2.  Southcott, J.E. (2005),  �Removing the "Australian twang and slang": Vocal health, singing tone and enunciation in school music in South Australia in the 19th and early 20th centuries�, in P. de Vries (ed.), AARME Proceedings of the XXVIIth Annual Conference.  Southcott, J.E. (2005), �Drums, fifes and drill: patriotism and militaristic practices in 19th century Australian school music� in   S.J. Morrison (ed.), Proceedings of the 5th Asia Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, APSMER Organising Committee, Seattle.  Southcott, J.E. (2005), �Six ways at once: Effective curriculum change in primary music education. An historical model�, in D. Forrest (ed.), Australian Society for Music Education Inc. XV National Conference Proceedings, Parkville, Victoria.  Southcott, J.E. (2009), �The Melbourne UNESCO seminar, 1956: A watershed in Australian music education�, in M. Comte (ed.), Musical Dimensions: A Festschrift for Doreen Bridges, Australian Scholarly Publishing Pty Ltd.  Stevens, R.S. (1974), 'Samuel McBurney, 1847-1909, Educationist and Music Teacher', in D. Pike (ed.), Australian Dictionary of Biography, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.  Stevens, R.S. (1976), 'George William Torrance, 1835-1907, Clergyman and Musician.', in B. Nairn (ed.), Australian Dictionary of Biography, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.  Stevens, R.S. (1976), 'Joseph Summers, 1839-1917, Musician', in B. Nairn (ed.), Australian Dictionary of Biography, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.  Stevens, R.S. (1981), 'Historical Research in the Field of Music Education: Its Nature and Applications', in J. Bryce (ed.) Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference of the Association of Music Education Lecturers, Association of Music Education Lecturers, Melbourne, pp.52-63.  Stevens, R.S. (1981), 'Music: A Humanising and Civilising Influence in Education', in G. Featherstone (ed.) The Colonial Child, Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Melbourne.  Stevens, R.S. (1986), 'Samuel McBurney - Australian Advocate of Tonic Sol-fa.', Journal of Research in Music Education, vol.34, no.2 Summer, pp.77-87.  Stevens, R.S. (1990), 'Inspiration from the Past: A Case Study of our Nation's Heritage in Music Education', in B. Smith (ed.), Proceedings of the VIIth AMSE National Conference, Australian Society for Music Education Inc. & Northern Territory Department of Education, Darwin, pp.27-30.  Stevens, R.S. (1992), 'Great Australian educators: Samuel McBurney -The Stanley of Sol-fa', Unicorn: The Journal of the Australian College of Education, vol.18, no.3 September, pp.68-72.  Stevens, R.S. (1993), 'Great Australian educators:Hugo Alpen - New South Wales Superintendent of Music, 1884-1908', Unicorn: The Journal of the Australian College of Education, vol.19, no.3 September, pp.93-96.  Stevens, R.S. (1997), 'George Leavis Allan', in W. Bebbington (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Australian Music, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.  Stevens, R.S. (1997), 'James Fisher', in W. Bebbington (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Australian Music, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.  Stevens, R.S. (1997), 'Joseph Summers', in W. Bebbington (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Australian Music, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.  Stevens, R.S. (1997), 'Music Education (Master article)', in W. Bebbington (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Australian Music, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.  Stevens, R.S. (1997), 'Samuel McBurney', in W. Bebbington (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Australian Music, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.  Stevens, R.S. (2002), �Change and Stasis in School Music Education in Victoria: The Past Informing the Future�, Australian Journal of Music Education, no.1, pp.19-29. Stevens, R.S. (2002), �James Churchill Fisher: Pioneer of Tonic Sol-fa in Australia�, in J. Southcott & R. Smith (eds), A Community of Researchers: Proceedings of the XXIInd Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Music Education (2000), AARME, University of Melbourne pp.172-182. Stevens, R.S. (2002), �Why Teach Music in Schools?�, Music Forum: Journal of the Music Council of Australia, vol.9, no.2, pp.19-24. Stevens, R.S. (2006) �Forward Gaily Together�The School Music Compositions of Samuel McBurney�, in J. Southcott & P. de Vries (eds.). Proceedings of the XXVIIIth Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Music Education, Melbourne, AARME. Weiss, G. (1995), 'Fundamental or frill? Music education in Australian schools since the 1880s', Research Studies in Music Education, vol.5, no.Dec, pp.55-65. Gallery of Prominent Music Educators Bibliographic Resources Overview ISME Website History Standing Committee Copyright � 2014 History Standing Committee, International Society for Music Education (ISME) IHME Homepage IHME Homepage Bibliographic Resources