A project of ISME’s History Standing Committee
Guido d’Arezzo
Guidonian Hand
ISME Website History Standing Committee IHME Homepage CUBA - Key Reference  Cuba � Music education and revolution  by Lisa M. Lorenzino   This book chapter is a key reference for the historical development of music education in Cuba. It was published as Chapter 11 in The Origins and Foundations of Music Education: Cross-Cultural Historical Studies of Music in Compulsory Schooling by Gordon Cox and Robin Stevens.  This book was fIrst published in hardcopy edition in 2010, then in paperback edition in 2011 as part of the Continuum Studies in Educational Research - Series Editor: Anthony Haynes -  by Continuum International Publishing Group, London.     For details of these two formats, click on the appropriate icon below to go to the following links:         Hardcopy version -         Paperback version -         eBook version -  online retilers for Bloomsbury (Continuum) eBook publications include Amazon Kindle, Google Play, Kobo and Apple.  The following list of references utilised by the authors in the writing of this chapter may be a useful source of information for scholars and researchers interested in the history of music education in Cuba.   Alvarez, M. (1982), �La ense�anza de la m�sica en Cuba�. Trabajo de Diploma, Faculdad de M�sica, Instituto Superior de Artes, Havana, Cuba.    Barreras, G. (1928), �La ense�anza de la m�sica,� Pro Arte Musical. Reprinted in Educaci�n, 111 (enero-abril, 2004), 52-53.   Bethell, L. (ed). (1993), Cuba: A Short History.  New York: Cambridge University.     B�rub�, M. (1984), Education and Poverty: Effective Schooling in the United States and Cuba. Westport, CT:  Greenwood.   Breidlid, A. (2007), �Education in Cuba- an alternative educational discourse:  Lessons to be learned�, Compare�A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 37, (5), 617-634.   Calero Mart�n, J.(ed) (1929), Cuba Musical: Album-resumen Ilustrado de la Historia y de la Actual Situaci�n del Arte en Cuba. Havana: Imprenta Molina y C�a.   Carnoy, M. (2007), Cuba�s Academic Advantage: Why Students in Cuba Do Better in School.  Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Carpentier, A. (2001), Music in Cuba.  Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.      Castro, F. (1961), History Will Absolve Me. New York: Lyle Stuart. Delgado, K.  (2001), �Iyes�: Afro-Cuban music and culture in contemporary Cuba�.  Dissertation Abstracts International, 62, (09), 292.  (UMI No. 3026270).        Diez, A. (1982), �Hubert de Blanck: Baluarte de la pedagog�a musical en Cuba (1856-1932)�. Trabajo de Diploma, Faculdad de M�sica, Instituto Superior de Artes, Havana, Cuba.       Eckstein, S. (1997), �The coming crisis in Cuban education�, Assessment in Education, , (1), 1-12. Epstein, E. (1987), �The peril of paternalism: Imposition of education on Cuba by the United States�,  American Journal of Education, 96, 1-23.     Figueroa, M., Prieto, A. and  Guti�rrez, R. (1974), The Basic Secondary School in the Country:  An Educational Innovation in Cuba.  Paris, France: UNESCO. Galeano, E. (1997), Open Veins of Latin America.  New York: Monthly Review.     Gasperini, L. (2000), �The Cuban education system: Lessons and dilemmas�, Country Studies, Education Reform and Management Publication Series, The World Bank, 1, (5), 1-36. Gramatages, H. (1982), �La m�sica culta�, in Ministerio de Cultura (ed), La Cultura en Cuba Socialista.  Havana: Editorial Letras Cubanas, pp.124-50 Gumbert, E. (ed). (1988), Making the Future:  Politics and Educational Reform in the United States, England, the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba.  Atlanta, GA: Georgia State University. Johnston, L. (1995), �Education in Cuba libre, 1989-1958�,  History Today, 45, (8), 26-32. Levinson, S. (1989), �Talking about Cuban culture: A reporter�s notebook�, in P. Bressner, W. LeoGrande, D. Rich and D. Siegle (eds), The Cuba Reader.  New York:  Grove, pp. 487-497  Lorenzo, L. (2011), �Music education in Cuba�, Research Studies in Music Education, 33(2), 197�210.   / Lutjens, S. (1996), The State, Bureaucracy, and the Cuban Schools.  Boulder, CO:  Westview. MacDonald, T. (1985), Making a New People: Education in Revolutionary Cuba.  Vancouver, BC: New Star. Menendez, M. (1944), �Public school music in Cuba�, Music Educators Journal, 30, (3), 27-28. Milbrandt, R. (2002), History Absolves Him: Reading Package, History 291.  Camrose, AB:  Augustana University College.     Moore, R. (2006), Music and Revolution: Cultural Change in Socialist Cuba.  Berkeley, CA:  University of C11lifornia Press.     Moore, R. (1995), Nationalising Blackness: Afro-Cubanismo and Artistic Revolution in Havana, 1920-1935�.  Dissertation Abstracts International, 56, (06), 2376.  (UMI No. 9534899) New Internationalist. (1998), �Jewels in the crown�, 301, 27-28.  Ortega, P. (2004), �Tendencias pedag�gica-musicales del siglo XX y su influencia en Cuba�,  Educaci�n, 111 (enero-abril), 43-47.  Pichardo, H. (1973), Documentos Para la Historia de Cuba III.  Havana:  Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.    Ponsoda, A. (2002), �C�sar P�rez Sentenat y la pedagog�a musical cubana�, Clave, 4, (2), 49-52.     Rodr�guez, D. (2004), �Gaspar Ag�era Barreras: Primer pedagogo musical cubano�,  Educaci�n, 111 (enero-abril), 48-51.   Rodr�guez, V. and Garc�a, Z. (1989),  Haciendo M�sica Cubana.  La Habana, Cuba: Pueblo y Educaci�n. Schwartz, C. (ed) (1979), Impressions of the Republic of Cuba.  Washington, DC: American Association of State Colleges and Universities. Sublette, N. (2004), The Missing Cuban Musicians.  Albuquerque, NM: Cuba Research and Analysis Group.   Vega, A. (2002), �Breve historia de la m�sica Cubana�, Retrieved September 7, 202011). �Music education in02. 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