A project of ISME’s History Standing Committee
Guido d’Arezzo
Guidonian Hand
ISME Website History Standing Committee IHME Homepage ISRAEL - Key Reference  Israel: From visions of nationhood to realisation through music by Lia Laor  This book chapter is a key reference for the historical development of music education in Israel. It was published as Chapter 14 in The Origins and Foundations of Music Education: International Perspectives, edited by Gordon Cox and Robin Stevens.  This book is available in hardcopy, paperback and eBook editions and was published by Bloomsbury International, London in 2016.    For details of the second and expanded edition, click on the appropriate icon below to go to the following link:             Bloomsbury Academic -  The book is also available from other suppliers including Amazon, Google Books, Book Repository, etc.   The following list of references utilised by the authors in the writing of this chapter may be a useful source of information for scholars and researchers interested in the history of music education in Israel.   Amiran, I. (1974), Lights and Paths in Music Education, Tel Aviv: The Methodic Center for Music [Hebrew]. Ben Zeev, N.(2009), An Israeli Tune, Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad [Hebrew]. Cohen, V. and Laor, L. (1997), 'Struggling with pluralism in music education: The Israeli experience', Arts Education Policy Review, 98, (3), 10�5. Davidovitch, N. (2012), 'Educational challenges in a multicultural society: The case of Israel', Cross-Cultural Communication, 8, (2), 29�39. Eisenstadt, S.N. (1996), 'Comments on the post-modern society', in M.Lissackand and B. Knei-Paz (eds), Israel Towards the Year 2000, Jerusalem: Magnes Press. Elliott, D. (1995), Music Matters: A New Philosophy of Music Education, New York: Oxford University Press. Greenberg, M. (1965), 'Music education builds a nation', Music Educators Journal, 52, (1), 124�6. Greenberg, M. (1967), 'Music in Israel's Primary Schools', Journal of Research in Music Education, 15, (1), 60�72. Gruhn, W. (2004), 'Leo Kestenberg 1882-1962', International Journal of Music Education, 22, (2), 103�29. Haran, D., Gerson-Kiwi, E., Aldema, G. and Elias, W. (1980), 'Israel', in S. Sadie (ed.),The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, London: Macmillan, pp. 356�61.  Hirshberg, J. (1995), Music in the Jewish Community of Palestine 1880-1948: A Social History, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Hirshberg, J., Shahar, N., Seroussi, E. and Shiloah, A. (2015), 'Israel', in Grove Music Online.  , (accessed 1 July 2015). Hirshfeld, A. (1997), 'On the Israeli song', Haaretz Literary Supplement, 19 December 1997 [Hebrew]. Hirshfeld, A. (2000), Local Notes. Tel Aviv: Am Oved [Hebrew]. Hofmann,S. (1985), 'Music education in a multicultural society � Israel: Concepts and their implementation', International Journal of Music Education, 5, (1), 53�6. Itrani, E. (2005), Music teachers in Tel Aviv (1961-1986), Tel Aviv: Levinsky College of Education publications [Hebrew]. Kam, M. (n.d.),'The National Education Law', Virtual Library of the Center for Educational Technology [Hebrew] (accessed 1 July 2015). Kaplan, B. (1984), 'Music education in Israel', Music Educators Journal, 70, (6), 57�60. Katz, Y. (2006), 'Core curricula in Israel', in D. Inbar (ed.), Towards an Educational Revolution?, Jerusalem: Van Leer Institute and HakibbutzHameuhad, pp.186�202 [Hebrew]. Kestenberg, L. (1951), 'On music listening', Music Education, 6, 11 [Hebrew]. Kestenberg, L. (1952), 'A Conversation on music education in Israel', Music Education, 7, 4�6[Hebrew]. Keynan, C. and Cohen, S. (1964),'Things of No Importance' (Chaim Keynan - lyrics, Shimon Cohen - music), (accessed 1 July 2015). Lichtenshtein, D. (1998), 'From historiographical narrative to alternative rationale in music education', Mafteach, 2, 1�19 [Hebrew]. Lidar, L. and Young, B. (2014), 'Ultra-orthodox do not have to learn core curriculum', Jerusalem Post, (accessed 1 July 2015). Ministry of Education and Culture (1960), Music Curriculum for State Primary and Religious Schools; Jerusalem.[Hebrew]. Ministry of Education (1977), Music for Kindergarten and Primary School Jerusalem: The Curriculum Center [Hebrew]. Ministry of Education (1980), Music for Middle School. Jerusalem: The Curriculum Center [Hebrew]. Ministry of Education (2011a), Music Curriculum for Primary School. Jerusalem: Department for Curriculum Development [Hebrew]. Ministry of Education (2011b), Music Curriculum for High School Jerusalem: Department for Curriculum Development [Hebrew]. Mizrahi, M. (1984), The Aims of Music Education in Israeli Schools, Tel Aviv: The Methodic Center for Music [Hebrew]. Portowitz, A., Gonzalez-Moreno, P. and Hendricks, K. (2010), 'Students' motivation to study music in Israel', Research Studies in Music Education, 32, (2), 169�84. Rivlin, R. (2015). 'Four Tribes in Israel: A New Order Has Been Created', (accessed 1 July 2015) [Hebrew]. Ron, H. (1984),'The challenge of new music education in Israel', HedHachinuch, 5, 48�50 [Hebrew]. Sagi, A. and Nachtomy, O.(eds) (2009), Israel: Society, Culture, and History: Multicultural Challenge in Israel, Boston, MA.: Academic Studies Press. Schisgall, O. (1961),'The Sound of Singing in Israel', Reader's Digest, 78 (May 1961), 240. Van Leer Jerusalem Institute (2010), The Dostrovsky Forum for Music and Dance Education, (accessed 1 July 2015). Zmora-Cohen, M. (1985), Report of the Committee for Education in the Arts, headed by Michal Zmora-Cohen and submitted to the Minister of Education [Hebrew]. ISME Website History Standing Committee IHME Homepage Copyright � 2014 History Standing Committee, International Society for Music Education (ISME)