A project of ISME’s History Standing Committee
Guido d’Arezzo
Guidonian Hand
ISME Website History Standing Committee IHME Homepage JAPAN - Key Reference  Japan: Music as a tool for moral education? by Masafumi Ogawa   This book chapter is a key reference for the historical development of music education in Japan. It was published as Chapter 14 in The Origins and Foundations of Music Education: Cross-Cultural Historical Studies of Music in Compulsory Schooling by Gordon Cox and Robin Stevens.  This booik was fIrst published in hardcopy edition in 2010, then in paperback edition in 2011 as part of the Continuum Studies in Educational Research - Series Editor: Anthony Haynes -  by Continuum International Publishing Group, London.     For details of the following formats, click on the appropriate icon below to go to the following URLs:         Hardcopy version -         Paperback version -         eBook version -  online retilers for Bloomsbury (Continuum) eBook publications include Amazon Kindle, Google Play, Kobo and Apple.  The following list of references utilised by the authors in the writing of this chapter may be a useful source of information for scholars and researchers interested in the history of music education in Japan.   Chiba, Y. (2007), Doremi wo eranda nihon jin (The Japanese choose the do-re-mi system). Tokyo: Ongaku no tomo sha. Eppstein, U. (1994), The Beginnings of Western Music in Meiji Era Japan. Lewiston, NY: Edward Mellen Press. Hamano,M, (1982), Sengo ongaku kyōiku wa nani wo shitaka. (What were the achievements of music education after World War II?). Tokyo: Ongaku no tomo sha. Hohmann, C H. (1853),  Praktisher Lehrgang des Gesang-Unterrichts in Volksschulen I-IV, Nordlingen: Christian Beck�schen Buchhandlung.  Howe, S. W. (1997), Luther Whiting Mason: International Music Educator. Warren, Michigan: Harmonie Park Press. Isawa,S. (1884),  Ongaku torishirabe kakari seiseki shinpōsho (Extracts from the report of Isawa Shūji. Tokyo: Ongaku torishirabe kakari. Iwai, M. (1988),  Kodomo no uta no bunka shi (A History of Children's Songs). Tokyo: Daiichi shobō. Iwai,M.,  Takeuchi,M.  Sawasaki,M.   Tsuda,M.  Nakayama, Yūichirō Shimada, Y. ( 2003), �Meiji kōki� (Music education in the late Meiji period), in Y. Fumishike et. al. (eds),  Nihon ongaku kyoiku jiten (Encyclopedia of Music Education). Tokyo: Ongaku no tomo sha, pp. 743-751. Kan, M. (2003), �Moroi Saburō�, in Y. Fumishike et. al. (eds),  Nihon ongaku kyoiku jiten (Encyclopedia of Music Education). Tokyo: Ongaku no tomo sha,  pp. 769-771. Kawaguchi, M. (1991), Ongaku kyōiku no riron to rekishi (Theory and History of Music Education. Tokyo: Ongaku no tomo sha. Kawaguchi, M. (1996), Kindai ongaku kyōiku seiritsushi kenkyū (A Study of the Development of Modern Music Education). Tokyo: Ongaku no tomo sha. Kimura,N. (1983),  �Nihon no kindaika to kyōiku�(Modernization of Education in Japan) in M. Kawaguchi (ed), Ongaku kyōiku no rekishi (A Brief History of Music Education in Japan). Tokyo: Ongaku no tomo sha, pp. 8-15. Mashino, S. (1986),  Ongaku kyōiku yonjūnenshi (A History of Four Decades of Music Education). Tokyo: Tōyōkan. Mason, L.W. (1870a), The National Music Course: Four Series of Forty Charts. Boston: Ginn. Mason, L.W. (1870b), The National Music Teacher. Boston: New England Conservatory of Music. Mason, L.W. (1873), A Preparatory Course and Key to the Second Series of Music Charts and Second Music Reader.  Boston: Ginn. Ministry of Education (1881, 1883, 1884), Shōgaku shōkashū daiippen (A collection of songs for elementary schools, Vols.1, 2, 3). Tokyo: Ministry of Education. Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (1998),  Gakushū shidō yōryō an shōgakkō. Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (2008a ), Gakushū shidō yōryō an shōgakkō   (The course of study in the elementary school). (accessed 28 September 2008).  Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (2008b), Gakushū shidō yōryō an chūgakkō (The course of study in the middle school). (accessed 28 September 2008).  Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (2008c), Atarashii gakushū shidō yōryō an shōgakkō an (A draft of the new course of study in the elementary school). (accessed 28 September 2008).  Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (2008d), Atarashii gakushū shidō yōryō an chūgakkō an (A draft of the new course of studying the junior high school). (accessed 28 September 2008).  Nakamura, R. (1993), Yōgaku dōnyūsha no kiseki (A History of the introduction of Western music into Japan). Tokyo: Tōsui shobō. Nakayama, Y. (1983), �Ongaku kyōin yōsei no rekishi� (A brief history of music teacher education in Japan), in M. Kawaguchi (ed), Ongaku kyōiku no rekishi (A Brief History of Music Education in Japan). Tokyo: Ongaku no tomo sha, pp. 143-154. Nomura, K. and Nakayama, Y. (eds.), (1995). Ongaku kyōiku wo yomu (Source Readings in Music Education). Tokyo: Ongaku no tomo sha. Ogawa, M. (1991), �American contributions to the beginning of public music education in Japan�, Bulletin of  Historical Research in Music Education, XII, (2), 113-128. Ogawa, M. (1994), �Japanese traditional music and school music education�, Philosophy of Music Education Review, 2, (1), 25-36. Ogawa, M. (2000), �Early nineteenth century American influences on the beginning of Japanese public music education: An analysis and comparison of selected music textbooks published in Japan and the United States. Unpublished D.M.E. thesis, Indiana University. Ogawa, M. (2003), �Luther Whiting Mason�, in Y. Fumishike et. al. (eds),  Nihon ongaku kyoiku jiten (Encyclopedia of Music Education).  Tokyo: Ongaku no tomo sha, pp. 761-765. Ogawa, M.(2004), �Music teacher education in Japan�,  Philosophy of Music Education Review,12, (2), 139-153. Sawasaki,M.(1983), �Nihon ongaku kyōikushi nenpyō�, (A chronological table of music education in Japan), in M. Kawaguchi (ed), Ongaku kyōiku no rekishi (History of Music Education).  Tokyo: Ongaku no tomo sha, pp.198-238. Sawasaki,M., Nakahara,A. Takeshi,K. Tsuda,M. Yagi,S. Yoshida, T. (2003a), �Shōwa kōki�, (Music education in the Late Shōwa period), in Y. Fumishike et. al. (eds),  Nihon ongaku kyoiku jiten (Encyclopedia of Music Education). Tokyo: Ongaku no tomo sha, pp. 480-488. Sawasaki, M.,  Tanabe,T.,  Tsuda, M., Kawazoe, K. and  Hirata, Y. (2003b), �Shōwa zenki�, (Music education in the Early Shōwa Period�, in Y. Fumishike et. al. (eds),   Encyclopedia of Music Education. Tokyo: Ongaku no tomo sha, pp. 488-496. Suzuki, S. (2006), �Shōwa zenki no sihangakkō ni okeru ongaku kyōiku jiseen ni kansuru shiteki kenkyū� (A Historical Study of Music Education in Normal Schools in the Beginning of the Shōwa Period). Unpublished doctoral thesis, School Education, Hyogo University of Education. Takeshi, K. (1996), �American educational influences on Japanese elementary music education from after World War II through the Shōwa period�. Unpublished doctoral thesis,  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku. (1987),Tokyo geijutsu daigaku hyakunen shi (The Centennial History of Tokyo University of Fine Arts). Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha. Zdzinski, S.F., Ogawa, M.,  Dell, C.,  Yap, C. C.,  Adderley, C. and  Dingle , R. (2007), �Attitudes and practices of Japanese and American music teachers towards integrating music with other subjects�, International Journal of Music Education 25, (1), 57-73. ISME Website History Standing Committee IHME Homepage Copyright � 2014 History Standing Committee, International Society for Music Education (ISME)