A project of ISME’s History Standing Committee
Guido d’Arezzo
Guidonian Hand
ISME Website History Standing Committee IHME Homepage KOSOVO - Key Reference  Kosovo: A struggle for freedom and national identity by Besa Luzha   This book chapter is a key reference for the historical development of music education in Kosovo. It was published as Chapter 5 in The Origins and Foundations of Music Education: International Perspectives, edited by Gordon Cox and Robin Stevens.  This book is available in hardcopy, paperback and eBook editions and was published by Bloomsbury International, London in 2016.     For details of these editions, click on the appropriate icon below to go to the following link:             Bloomsbury Academic -  The book is also available from other suppliers including Amazon, Google Books, Book Repository, etc.   The following list of references utilised by the author in the writing of this chapter may be a useful source of information for scholars and researchers interested in the history of music education in Kosovo.   Babuna, A. (2000), �The Albanians of Kosovo and Macedonia: Ethnic Identity Superseding Religion�, Nationalities Papers, 28 (1), 67�92. Bacevic, J. (2014), From class to identity: the politics of education reforms in former Yugoslavia, Budapest: Central European University Press. Bartlett, B., Power, D. and Blatch, P. (2004), �Education in a Recovering Nation: Renewing Special Education in Kosovo�, Exceptional Children 70 (4), 485�95. Bassuener, K. and Weber, B. (2013), �Not Yet a Done Deal: Kosovo and the Prishtina-Belgrade Agreement�, Democratization Policy Council Policy Paper, November, (accessed 8 September 2015). Bieber, F. and Daskalovski, �. (2003), Understanding the war in Kosovo, London: Psychology Press. Berisha, E. (2004), Studime dhe v�shtrime p�r muzik�n (Studies and analysis of music), Prishtin�: ASHAK. Bjelic, D. I. and  Savic, O. (eds.) (2002), Balkan as metaphor: Between globalisation and fragmentation, Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Blumi, I. (2002), �The Role of Education in the Formation of Albanian Identity and its Myths�, in S. Schwander-Sievers and B.J. Fischer (eds), Albanian Identities: Myth and History, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 49�60. Clark, H. (2000), Civil resistance in Kosovo, London: Pluto Press. Cowen.R. (2000), �Comparing futures or comparing pasts?�, Comparative Education, 36 (3), 333�42. Crick, R.D. (2008), �Key Competencies for Education in a European Context: narratives of accountability or care�, European Educational Research Journal, 7(3), 311�8. Education Scotland (2015), �The purpose of curriculum�, (accessed 16 September 2015). Filaj, L. (1935), M�simi i muzik�s p�r shkolla t� mesme. Pjesa e pare (Teaching music in secondary school), Tiran�: Shkodra.  Fullan, M.G. (1993), �Why Teachers Must Become Change Agents�, The Professional Teacher, 50, (6), 12�7. Glenny, M. (2001), The Balkans: Nationalism, War and The Great Powers (1804-1999), New York: Penguin Books. Goddard, T. (2008), �Educational leadership development in Kosovo�, in M. Brundrett and M. Crawford (eds), Developing School Leaders: An International Perspective, London and New York: Taylor and Francis, pp. 69�90. Gundara, J.and Peffers, J. (2005), Quality Education for All in Kosovo, Prishtina: UNICEF. Judah, T. (2002), Kosovo: War and Revenge, New Haven: Yale University Press. Judah, T. (2008), Kosovo What Everyone Needs to Know, New York: Oxford University Press. Keller, S.M. (2007), �Why is music so ideological, and why do totalitarian states take it so seriously?�: A personal view from history and the social sciences�, Journal of Musicological Research, 26, (2�3), 91�122. Kiossev, A. (2002) �The Dark Intimacy: Maps, Identities, Acts of Identifications�, in D.I. Bjelic and O.Savic (eds), Balkan as Metaphor, Between globalisation and fragmentation, Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp. 165�91. Koci, A.M. (2011), Lorenc Antoni � Jeta dhe Vepra: Nj�qind vjetori i lindjes s� kompozitorit Lorenc Antoni (Lorenc Antoni, composer � His life and works: One hundred years from the birth of composer Lorenc Antoni), Prishtin�. Shoqata e Muzikolog�ve t� Kosov�s. Kostovicova, D. (2002), �Shkolla Shqipe and Nationhood: Albanians in pursuit of education in the native language in interwar (1918-41) and post autonomy (1989-98) Kosovo�, in S. Schwandner-Sievers and B.J. Fisher (eds), Albanian Identities: Myth and History, London: Hurst & Company, pp. 157�72. Kostovicova, D. (2005), Kosovo: the politics of identity and space, London: Routledge. Kraja, M. (2011), Identiteti Kosovar (Kosovar Identity), Prishtin�: Pen Qendra e Kosoves. La Cava, G., Nanetti, R., Schwandner-Sievers, S., Gjonca, A., Nezam, T., Balaj, B., Salihu, A., DelRe,F. and Davis, D. (2000), Conflict and Change in Kosovo: Impact on Institutions and Society, Report for the World Bank, Environmental and Socially Sustainable Development ECSSD, Washington: World Bank. Washington. Leutloff, C. and Pichl, E. (1999), �The state of education in Kosovo after the ceasefire in June 1999�, in How to Construct Civil Societies? Education and Media in Southeast Europe: Country Report, Graz: Center for Study of Balkan Societies and Cultures reports, pp. 183�94. Luzha, B. (2005), �Edukimi Muzikor ne Kosove me Veshtrim te Vecante ne Reformen Aktuale� (Music Education in Kosovo focusing on actual educational reform) (unpublished masters dissertation, University of Prishtina). Luzha, B. (2008) �Music, Politics, Identities: Comparing the Role of Music in Albania and Kosovo under the Communist Regime�, unpublished paper presented at the 28th ISME World Conference, conference, Bologna. Italy. Luzha, B. (2015), �Music education in post-war Kosovo: generalist and specialist teachers' identities, beliefs and practices� (unpublished doctoral dissertation, University College London, Institute of Education). Malcolm, N. (1998), Kosovo: a short history, London: MacMillan. MEST (2001), The New Kosovo Curriculum Framework, (accessed 10 June 2015). MEST (2005), Programi mesimor per klasen e V. Edukata muzikore (Learning programme for grade V. Music Education), Prishtin�: Libri Shkollor. MEST. (2011), Curriculum Framework for Pre-University Education in the Republic of Kosovo, Prishtin�, (accessed 10 June 2015). Ministria e Arsimit (1925), Lib�r kang�sh p�r shkollat popullore t� Shqipnis/mbledhun e rreshtuem prej Hil Mosit,Ble I. Kang� nji, dy e tre zan�sh (Singing book for national schools of Albania/collected and edited from Hil Mosi. Book I. Songs in one, two and three voices), Tiran�: Vlora. Misha, P. (2002), �Invention of a Nationalism: Myth and Amnesia�, in S. Schwander-Sievers and B.J. Fischer (eds), Albanian Identities: Myth and History. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, pp. 33�49. Murray, H. (2008), �Curriculum wars: national identity in education�, London Review of Education, 6, (1), 39�45. Myzyri, H. (1978), Shkollat e para kombetare shqipe (1887�1908) (First National Albanian Schools [1887�1908]),Tirana: 8 N�ntori. Myzyri, H. (2004), Shkolla Normale e Elbasanit (1909�1912) (Normal School of Elbasan [1909�1912]), Tirana: AlbPaper. Peffers, J., Reid, E., Stylianidou, F., Walsh, P. and Young, M. (2005), The national curriculum in Kosova � A review of its first steps, London: Institute of Education, University of London. Pettifer, J. (2001), Blue Guide to Albania and Kosova, London: A&C Black. Pupovci, D. (2002), Teacher education system in Kosovo, (accessed 16 August 2004). Pupovci, D., Hyseni, H. and Salihaj, J. (2001), Education in Kosova 2000/2001, Prishtina: Kosova Education Center. Qosja, R., Gashi,Q., Gashi,S.,Zogaj,R., Celaj,Z.,Shushka,J. and Vokrri, A.(2007), Shkolla Normale e Prishtin�s 1954�1974.(Normal School of Prishtina 1954�1974), Prishtin�: Libri Shkollor. Rexhepagiq, J. (1970), Zhvillimi i arsimit dhe i sistemit shkollor t� komb�sis� shqiptare n� territorin e Jugosllavis� s� sotme deri n� vitin 1918 (Development of education and the school system for the Albanian nationality in Jugoslavia until 1918), Prishtin�: Enti i Teksteve dhe Mjeteve Mesimore te KSA I Kosoves. Rexhepagiq, J., Vokrri, A. and Veseli, A. (1997), Shkolla Normale �Sami Frash�ri�e Prishtin�s: Zhvillimi, karakteri dhe r�nd�sia e saj 1941�1944. (Normal School �Sami Frasheri� of Prishtina: Development, characteristics and its importance 1941�1944), Prishtin� Prishtina. Libri Shkollor. Rexhepi, Z.(2014). Shkolla normale e Prishtin�s  gjenerata e viteve 1954�1959 (Normal School of Prishtina: generation 1941�1944), Prishtin�:Valton. Schmitt, O.J. (2012), Kosova: Nje Histori e Shkurter e Nje Treve Qendrore Ballkanike (Kosovo: A Short History of the Central Balkan Territory), Prishtin�: KOHA. Shema, I. (2000), ��shtje t� Arsimit Komb�tar Shqiptar (Issues of National Albanian Education), Prishtin�: Libri Shkollor. Sommers, M. and Buckland, P. (2004), Parallel worlds: rebuilding the education system in Kosovo, Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning. Spahiu, S. (1976). Edukat� muzikore : doracak metodik p�r arsimtar� t� edukat�s muzikore t� shkoll�s fillore prej klas�s I�VIII (Music education: useful methods for music teachers at primary schools I�VIII), Prishtin�: Enti i Teksteve dhe Mjeteve M�simore t� Kosov�s. Spahiu, S. (2012), Muzika dhe Edukimi: Studime, analiza, persiatje (1966�2012) (Music and Education: Studies, analyses, issues [1966�2012]), Prishtin�: Libri Shkollor. Spahiu,S. and Gjinali,S. (1980), G�zimi yn�: k�ng�, valle, ligj�rime e d�gjime (Our Joy: Songs, Dances, Rhythms and Music Listening), Prishtin�: Enti I Mjeteve dhe Teksteve M�simore t� Kosov�s. Spinner-Halev, J. (2003), �Education, reconciliation and nested identities�, Theory and Research in Education, 1, (1), 51�72. Toci, F. (ed.) (1999), Kosova: Nje v�shtrim enciklopedik (Kosovo: An Encyclopedic Review), Tiran�: Toena. Troebst, S. (1999), �The Kosovo Conflict�, SIPRI Yearbook, Stockholm: Stockholm International Research Institute (SIPRI), pp. 47�62. Veseli, A. (2003), Shkollat dhe arsimi shqip n� Prefektur�n e Prishtin�s (1941�1944) (Schools and Education in Albanian in the Prefecture of Prishtina [1941�1944]), Gjilan. Vokrri, A. (2004), Shkolla Normale e Prishtin�s (1953�1974) (Normal School of Prishtina [1953�1974]), Prishtin�: Libri Shkollor. Waller, C. (2011), Report of short term expert component 2: EU Education SWAP project,‐ (accessed 18 September 2015). Waller, C. 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