A project of ISME’s History Standing Committee
Guido d’Arezzo
Guidonian Hand
ISME Website History Standing Committee IHME Homepage NORWAY - Key Reference  Norway: Educational progress or stasis on the outskirts of Europe? by Fred Ola Bj�rnstad and Magne Espelan   This book chapter is a key reference for the historical development of music education in Norway. It was published as Chapter 6 in The Origins and Foundations of Music Education: Cross-Cultural Historical Studies of Music in Compulsory Schooling edited by Gordon Cox and Robin Stevens.  This book was fIrst published in hardcopy edition in 2010, then in paperback edition in 2011 as part of the Continuum Studies in Educational Research - Series Editor: Anthony Haynes -  by Continuum International Publishing Group, London.  More recently a revised version of this chapter has been published in a second and expanded edition of the book now titled The Origins and Foundations of Music Education: Cross-Cultural Historical Studies of Music in Compulsory Schooling (Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2016).   For details of the second and expanded edition, click on the appropriate icon below to go to the following link:             Bloomsbury Academic -  The book is also available from other suppliers including Amazon, Google Books, Book Repository, etc.   The following list of references utilised by the authors in the writing of the 2011 chapter may be a useful source of information for scholars and researchers interested in the history of music education in Norway.   �rva, �. (1987), Musikkfaget i Norsk L�rerutdannelse 1815- 1965. Oslo: Novus forlag.  Behrens, J. (1868), Sangl�re for Skoler. Kristiania: privately published. Benestad, F. and Fottland, I. (1966), �Musikk i 9 �rig skole, fra sangtime til musikkfag�, in R.Ness (ed), Skolens �rbok. Oslo: Johan Grundt Tanum forlag, pp. 791-810. Benum, I. (1955), Musikk Som Personlighetsdannende Fag i Skolen. Hamar: Norsk skoletidendes boktrykkeri. Bergheim, I. (1974), �L�reb�ker i musikk for barneskolen�. Unpublished dissertation, University of Oslo.  Bj�rnstad, F.O. (2001), Fr� Munn og Flatfele.  Kristiansund: KOM. Espeland, M. (1974), �L�reb�ker i musikk for barneskolen. Ein analyse�. Unpublished dissertation, Norges laererh�yskole. Hole, B. (1999), �The birth of the Psalmodikon: North American Psalmodikonforbundet�., retrieved 20 June 2008.  J�rgensen, H. (1982), Sang og Musikk. Oslo: H. Aschehoug og co. J�rgensen, H. (2001), �Sang og musikk i grunnskole og l�rerutdanning 1945-2000�, Studia Musicologica Norvegica 27, 103-131.  Kjeldstadli, K. (2000), Fortida er Ikke Hva den Engang Var (En Innf�ring i Historiefaget) [The past is not what it used to be: An introduction to history], 2. utgave, 2. opplag. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kirke-og undervisningsdepartementet (KUD) (1922), Normalplan for Landsfolkeskolen, Kirke- og Undervisningsdepartementet. Kristiania: J.M. Stenersens forlag. KUD. (1939), Normalplan for Byfolkeskolen. Utarbeidd ved Normalplankomiteen Oppnevnt av Kirke- og Undervisningsdepartementet. Oslo: Aschehoug & Co. Mork, N. (2008), �The fate of innovation. A social history of creativity and curriculum control�. Unpublished dissertation. The University of Brighton. Norsk Skolemuseums Venner (1960), Skolehistoriske Aktstykker nr. 9. Oslo: Norsk Skolemuseums Venner. St�lmarck, T. (ed) (1962), Natur og Kulturs Musikhandbok. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.  Stor�kre, J.T. (1965), Kristen Sang og Musikk. Oslo: Runa forlag.  T�nnesen, H.O. (1966), Tekster og Aktstykker til den Norske Skoles Historie. Oslo: Fabritius og s�nner forlag. Vark�y, �. (1993), Hvorfor musikk? Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. ISME Website History Standing Committee IHME Homepage Copyright � 2014 History Standing Committee, International Society for Music Education (ISME)