A project of ISME’s History Standing Committee
Guido d’Arezzo
Guidonian Hand
ISME Website History Standing Committee IHME Homepage TURKEY - Key Reference  Turkey: Historical and political influences on music education by Dilek G�kt�rk Cary   This book chapter is a key reference for the historical development of music education in Turkey. It was published as Chapter 15 in The Origins and Foundations of Music Education: International Perspectives, edited by Gordon Cox and Robin Stevens.  This book is available in hardcopy, paperback and eBook editions and was published by Bloomsbury International, London in 2016.    For details of the second and expanded edition, click on the appropriate icon below to go to the following link:             Bloomsbury Academic -  The book is also available from other suppliers including Amazon, Google Books, Book Repository, etc.   The following list of references utilised by the authors in the writing of this chapter may be a useful source of information for scholars and researchers interested in the history of music education in Turkey.   Bozkaya, İ. (2003), �M�zik �ğretmenliği Lisans Programı 3. Yıl �ğrencilerinin M�zik Eğitiminin Sorunlarına Bakış A�ıları� (Perspectives of 3rd-Year Students at Music Teacher Training Schools on the Issues of Music Education), a paper presented at Cumhuriyetimizin 80. Yılında M�zik Sempozyumu, Malatya, 30�31 October 2003, (accessed 20 June 2015). G�kt�rk, D. (1996), �T�rkiye�deki M�zik Eğitiminin Programlar A�ısından Değerlendirilmesi� (Evaluation of Music Education in Turkey from A Curricular Angle), (unpublished master�s thesis, Ankara, Turkey: Gazi University, Institute of Science). G�kt�rk, D. (2009). �Historical Development Of Public School String Education in the United States and Connections with Turkey�, Uludağ �niversitesi Eğitim Fak�ltesi Dergisi,  22 (2), 689�716. G�kt�rk, D. (2010a), �The Role of Constructivist Approach on Creativity in Primary School Music Curriculum in the Republic of Turkey�, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, (2), 3075�79. G�kt�rk, D. (2010b), �Music Teacher Education in Turkey: What Has Changed Since 1980?�, 18. EAS Congress (European Association for Music in Schools), Abant İzzet Baysal �niversitesi, Bolu, 26�29 Nisan 2010, Conference Proceedings, 229�35. G�kt�rk Cary, D. (2011), �Globalization of Academics and Its Effects on Music Education in Turkey,� 6th International Conference on Interdisciplinarity in Education -- ICIE11, Karab�k �niversitesi, Karab�k, 14-16 Nisan 2011, Conference Proceedings (Greece: National Technical University of Athens School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), (10 June 2015). G�kt�rk Cary, D. (2014), �The Evolution of Music Education In Turkey,� Debates Magazine, 13, 13�22. G�ven, İ. (2008), �Teacher Education Reform and International Globalization Hegemony: Issues and Challenges in Turkish Teacher Education�, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic and Management Engineering, 2, (4), 16�25. İssi, A.D. (2008), �Gazi �niversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fak�ltesi G�zel Sanatlar Eğitimi B�l�m� M�zik �ğretmenliği Ana Bilim Dalı �ğrenci Profili� (Student Profile at Gazi University, Gazi College of Education, Department of Fine Arts Education, Division of Music Teacher Education), (unpublished master�s thesis, Gazi University, Ankara). Kocabaş, A. (2010), �M�zik Eğitiminin �oklu Zeka Alanlarına Etkisi ve K�y Enstit�leri� (The Influence of Music on Multiple Intelligence and Village Institutes), Yeniden İmece Dergisi, 4, 53�57. M�zik �ğretmenliği Lisans Programı [Music Teacher Training School Curriculum], (accessed 25 June 2015). O�Connell, J.M. (2000), �Fine Art, Fine Music: Controlling Turkish Taste at the Fine Arts Academy in 1926�, Yearbook for Traditional Music, 32, 117�42. �zeke, S. (2003),�A History of Music Teacher Education in the Republic of Turkey: 1982-1998� (unpublished doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University). Sevgi, A. (2003), �Nasıl Bir M�zik �ğretmeni?� (What Type of Music Teacher?), a paper presented at Cumhuriyetimizin 80. Yılında M�zik Sempozyumu, Malatya, 30�31 October 2003, (accessed 20 June 2015). Tarman, S. (2012), �T�rk M�zik Devrimi: 1924�den 2012�ye Genel Bir Değerlendirme� (Revolution in Turkish Music: A General Evaluation from 1924 to 2012), Proceedings of KT� 1. Uluslararası M�zik Araştırmaları Sempozyumu-M�zik ve K�lt�rel Doku, 16�19 October 2012, Trabzon, 557�68, (accessed 15 April 2015). Tufan, E. (2006), �The History of Music Education in Turkey: The Role and Importance of Gazi Faculty of Education�, APERA Conference, 28�30 November 2006, Hong Kong, /b15907314/full_paper/901259428.pdf (accessed 24 June 2015). Tun�, A.Z. (2009), �K�y Enstit�lerinde Sanat Eğitimi ve D�nemin Y�neticilerinin Sanata Yaklaşımları� (Fine Arts Education at Village Institutes and Approaches of the Administration towards Arts), Dokuz Eyl�l �niversitesi Buca Eğitim Fak�ltesi Dergisi, 26. Turan, S. (1997), �John Dewey's Report of 1924 and his Recommendations on the Turkish Educational System Revisited�, a paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, 24�28 March 1997, Chicago, Illinois, (accessed 5 July 2015). U�an, A. (2006), �M�zik �ğretmenliği Yeterlikleri� (Qualifications of Music Teachers), a paper presented at Ulusal M�zik Eğitimi Sempozyumu, Denizli, 26�28 April 2006, (accessed on 20 June 2015). Yener, S. (2005), �M�zik Eğitimi Kurumlarında Toplam Kalite Y�netimi K�lt�r� Kavramı� (The Concept of Total Quality Management Culture at Music Education Institutions), Atat�rk University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 5, (1), 331�342. ISME Website History Standing Committee IHME Homepage Copyright � 2014 History Standing Committee, International Society for Music Education (ISME)